@ARTICLE{Ligowski_Ryszard_Net_1986, author={Ligowski, Ryszard}, volume={vol. 7}, number={No 1-2}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={127-154}, howpublished={online}, year={1986}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Phytoplankton sampling from 13 stations situated in Admiralty Bay was carried out in March. April, May, October and November 1983. Wet settling volume of seston, its dry weight, number of cells under 1 m2 , and qualitative composition of phytoplankton were determined. It was found that amount of phytoplankton was decreasing in April and increasing again in November after the winter season. The share of benthic and periphyton species in the qualitative composition of phytoplankton was quite significant, whereas their quantitative share was rather small. 163 taxa of algae were identified in the net phytoplankton; among these 107 taxa were reported for the first time from the Admiralty Bay. Most abundantly met throughout the entire study period were: Corethron criophilum and Thalassiothrix antarctica.}, type={Article}, title={Net phytoplankton of the Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetland Islands) in 1983}, URL={http://so.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/111395/PDF-MASTER/1986_1-2_127-154.pdf}, keywords={Antarctic, King George Island, phytoplankton, distribution of diatoms}, }