@ARTICLE{Ziaja_Wiesław_Glacial_2007, author={Ziaja, Wiesław and Pipała, Robert}, number={No 4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={237-247}, howpublished={online}, year={2007}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={The current climate warming results in a quick recession of glaciers on the northern slopes and valleys of the Lindströmfjellet-Hĺbergnuten mountain ridge in Nordenskiöld Land. The equilibrium line altitude has risen from c. 500-550 m in 1936 to c.750 m in 2001 and c. 800 m in 2006. The slopes, almost completely glaciated during the Little Ice Age, and even in 1936, have mostly been abandoned by glaciers afterwards. The upper parts of the glaciers undergo a clear retreat diminishing their accumulative (firn) fields. The lower parts of the active glacial tongues have been transformed into marginal zones built of dead ice covered with morainic and glacifluvial deposits. The surfaces of the marginal zones are progressively lowered due to ablation of dead ice. The state of the described glaciers is not balanced under the current climatic conditions. Thus, the landscape transformation of the mountain ridge will most certainly continue.}, type={Article}, title={Glacial recession 2001-2006 and its landscape effects in the Lindströmfjellet-Hĺbergnuten mountain ridge, Nordenskiöld Land, Spitsbergen}, URL={http://so.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/110601/PDF-MASTER/PPR28-237.pdf}, keywords={Arctic, Spitsbergen, climate warming, glacial recession, landscape transformation}, }